Building Healthy Habits

Lesson 7: We Are Made by The Habits and Routines We Intentionally Build.
Building habits that stick is one of the most rewarding yet challenging journeys. I've learned that it’s not about massive, perfect efforts but small, consistent actions that make the most significant difference.
In my early twenties, even though I was curious and eager to learn, I struggled to build and maintain healthy habits and routines. This was true for work, personal life, and school. At my first job, where I was unsupervised and had access to the internet, my productivity was greatly affected.
I wasted a lot of my time surfing the internet, downloading movies, and scrolling through social media. While my curiosity occasionally led to learning, most of my productive hours were spent on things that added little value.
Things started to change midway through university, especially after I began getting exposed to different work cultures. Joining Vodafone was a pivotal moment for me. It pushed me to grow and be better.
I began cultivating a reading culture, diving into books like The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Deep Work, The Power of Habit, and How to Win Friends and Influence People. These books were instrumental in helping me develop principles for better living. Even more impactful were the mentors I met along the way—people who not only guided me, but also introduced me to these resources. This highlighted the power of social capital: how the people around us can influence our journey to transformation.
Today, I am intentional about building and maintaining healthy habits and routines. These habits are aligned with my goals across the five key pillars and “big rocks” of my life. Some of these include:
- Reading: Over the years, I have developed a strong reading culture, something I greatly struggled with in my early twenties.
- Writing: The more I read, the more I learn and feel compelled to share. Writing has become a way to distil my thoughts. In fact, Begenius Thoughts was born from my desire to organize and share what I learn.
- Walking & Physical Exercise: While I’ve struggled with consistent workouts in the last two years, I love taking long, fast-paced walks. These walks refresh my body and mind, though I also experience slower seasons.
- Deep Conversations: This habit has helped me build and maintain meaningful relationships. I am intentional about scheduling time for conversations that matter, and they always leave me refreshed.
- Journaling: Regular self-evaluation and introspection help me track where I am, where I should be, and where I’m going. Life is ever-changing, some seasons are busier and faster than others. Journaling allows me to pause, reflect, and adjust my course.
- Faith: There are many other tiny and major habits and routines that I could talk about, but the most important ones are the ones that lead me closer to Christ. As a Christian, my relationship with God is paramount. So I prioritize setting time aside to study the word (Quiet Time) and fellowship. The rest of the habits and routines will be done in vain if my faith and walk with Christ is not aligned.
Healthy habits are not just about discipline but about alignment with your goals and values. It’s the small, consistent actions that matter most. These tiny steps create momentum, leading to personal growth and transformation.
Think of one habit you’d like to cultivate. Start small, and build systems to support it. Over time, the consistency will shape who you become.
What’s one habit you can start building today?
In case you missed lesson 6, you can read it here.